CitrusBR supports the dissemination of information on sustainability indicators and works constantly focusing on solutions that embrace all the links involved in the different stages of the orange juice production chain. Therefore, the study of the carbon footprint of the orange juice produced and exported by CitrusBR members represents a pioneer initiative in the Brazilian industry and, after 4 years, it is one of the few long-term studies on this topic in the citrus sector worldwide.

The project to evaluate greenhouse gas emissions and calculate the carbon footprint was born from a demand of the European Fruit Juice Association (AIJN). In 2010, the companies associated to CitrusBR (Citrosuco, Cutrale and Louis Dreyfus) worked alongside the consultancy firm DeltaCO2, specialized in environmental sustainability, to calculate the carbon footprint of the orange juice produced in 2009.

The pioneerism of the study in Brazil and CitrusBR’s quest to better understand the aspects related to the sustainability of the orange juice production produced and exported by the country, led to the annual conduction of the study, with latest results referring to the year 2012. During the process, findings were presented to AIJN on annual basis, and are continuously evaluated by CitrusBR.

Since orange juice is an agricultural product, GHG emissions have to be evaluated for a minimum period of three years, in order to neutralise variations related to climate and market conditions. Thus, CitrusBR reached the year 2013 with one of the most complete studies concerning GHG emissions in the production of orange juice in Brazil.

Click to access the study.

Estudo Pegada de Carbono