São Paulo, October 2019.
STATEMENT ‐ 2019/20 Brazilian Orange Crop Ratio Situation
To whom may it concern
The Technical Committee of CitrusBR would like to inform that the 2019/2020 orange crop, which are close to mid in terms of processing, has presented a sudden and remarkable trend for high ratios in orange juice.
The production of a significant volume of juice with a Ratio higher than 17 is expected, with noticeable sweet notes.
The reasons behind this trend of crop development can be credited to the uniformity of the fruit (uniform flowering) and the extreme drought and temperature conditions experienced mainly this September in the Citrus Belt of São Paulo State.
As a result of this accelerated ripening trend, Vitamin C levels in the juice are dropping rapidly, as they have a direct correlation with the acid content in the juice.
The CitrusBr associated processors are fully dedicated to the best management of this crop situation, in order to supply the market with the best quality available.
In due course, we will return with a new update on the development of orange for the citrus industry in the state of São Paulo.

Ibiapaba Netto
CitrusBR Executive Director
Representing: Citrosuco, Cutrale and Louis Dreyfus Company Juices S. A.